Saturday, August 20, 2011

SaPpy Day

For the longest time that I haven't used my cheap hated blackberry celfone, I was stucked with it on time when I was supposed to badly have a good working phone. 'coz you see, I waited for hours in a lonely place where all I can do is to watch people come in and out of a crowded lounge- hoping that a familiar face would soon meet my eyes. I searched few times for any saving grace in my bag (book, pen, iPod, crossword puzzle, or my other phone that I could use to access mobile internet but booboo - there's none!) Where was my mind when I needed it the most??? ~insert Forgetful Lucy here~

Anyway, here are the only three photos I took in memory of this "sappy day"
(half sad + half happy = sappy)

This is me, as you know, I look stupid. Maybe because of the stress of the long waiting and the fact that my camera's phone is almost busted, I looked like a boy! Look even more funny, yah?

The last bottled water and the censored bag

Such a lonely place. Hate lonely place! :(

:( ByeBuyOink :(

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