Sunday, March 3, 2013


Years back, I always wanted the world to know how I am feeling, where I have been, where I am going, what I am eating, who I am going out with, what I am thinking and everything more. I liked the feeling of sharing myself with the web. But since Happy and I got back together, more so that we have our on family, it's putting me at peace when I keep happy thoughts and happy moments to myself. That way, people can't take away my happiness.

It's been a trend nowadays of social media to tweet and post things what people have been upto. I see my "old" self whenever I see them "overpost" pics and updates. But, I've been there, I've done that. I am happier sharing myself only with few people who I know and who I love. I prefer it that way :)

Now, my blogging... I am keeping this so I can have a track of my "weirdo" days and my "happy" days :) But those too personal stuff, I'd keep it in me. Also my FB and Twitter accounts... But if you wanna know about something, ask me. I reply. lol

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