Monday, September 5, 2011

Just For Laughs - Lease Sell (Listen - Beyonce)

 Lease sell
To the song here in my harp
 A melody a star
But can complea
Lease sell umm umm
To the star from dvd
It’s only pig guinea to fight release

 Oh the time has c*nt formy dreams to be hurled
They will not be Bush a second term
Into your owl
Owl can chew wall
Lease sell
Hell hell

Lease sell
 I am along at the claws loss
Im not in home in my old home
And I cry and cry
To sell what’s on my mind
You shoot Hefner
Ahhh No I don’t believe in youth
 You don’t know what im feelin

 Im more than what
Your maid Tomi
I found the moist
 You gave Tomi
And now I got to f*** my owl…

 You should Hef… Lease sell
There is someone here inside
Someone I tow’led had dried
So long ago

 Oh im screaming ahhhh
In my dreams to be her
They will not be Bush a second term
Into your owl
Owl can chew wall
Lease sell Hell hell

Lease sell
 I am along at the claws loss
Im not in home in my old home
And I cry and cry
To sell what’s on my mind

You shoot Hefner
Ahhh No I don’t believe in youth
 You don’t know what im feelin
Im more than what
Your maid Tomi I found the moist
You gave Tomi
And now I got to f*** my owl…

 I don’t know where I belong
Well I am movie Ahhh
If you ahhhhhh

 Lease sell
To the song here in my harp
 A melody a star
But I will complea
No I don’t believe in youth
 You don’t know what im feelin
Im more than what
Your maid Tomi
I found the moist
 You think you gave to me
And now I got to f*** my owl…
…my owl…

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