Thursday, May 22, 2014

To My Somebody


I dedicate this song to my husband who has always been that "somebody" who shares my everything with him. In good times and not so good times.

Not everyone could understand his uniqueness but I love every single of him. His imperfections and his strengths, everything that makes his whole person makes me love and appreciate him everyday.

We may sometime disagree about some things that I believe and the way he sees things but it just makes us appreciate each other even more. And i am just thankful that he is the one that I am spending the rest of my life with, God willing.

I am on my 4th month of carrying our second child and I feel his support and caring about my condition. He never gives up on understanding my nonsense and ridiculous behavior. It just makes me admire him more.

I want to shout out how lucky I am to have him as a husband and as a father of my kids but words are not enough to describe how I am feeling.

Maybe I would just let him listen to this song later. I love him very much :)

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